How We Met Geri – Another Serendipitous Moment

This is part 4 of 10 of our 10 Years of Laconia series.

There’s something funny about serendipity – you never know when it’s going to raise its head. In building Laconia, we’ve experienced more than our fair share of these moments. One of the best examples? Meeting Geri Kirilova.

It was a cold and wet Monday night in the fall of 2015. One of our LPs was celebrating her 50th birthday at an Irish pub in the Financial District. I’ll be honest: I wasn’t exactly thrilled about going. It was miserable outside, I lived uptown, and the thought of schlepping downtown was far from enticing. But this person meant a lot to me, and I couldn’t miss the chance to give her a big birthday hug. (Yes, I’m a hugger.) So, I pulled on my coat, hopped on the 6 train, and off I went.

The party was on the second floor of the pub. I climbed the stairs, and as I reached the top, I bumped into an industry peer. Standing next to him was a young woman with wild hair – the kind of hair you don’t forget. We exchanged quick small talk, and I learned she was a senior at NYU Stern. It was one of those blink-and-you-miss-it moments – maybe a minute with the peer and 30 seconds with the young woman before I moved on. I made my way through the room, doing my rounds: hug, kiss, hug, kiss. Thirty minutes later, I was back on the 6 train, headed uptown, thinking little of it.

A few weeks later, David and I were having a working lunch. We were tossing around the idea of bringing on an intern – yes, a paid intern – to help us with some projects. And out of nowhere, I thought of the young woman I’d met that rainy night. I told David, “I met this young lady at a birthday party. She made a strong first impression.” That was it. We decided to reach out.

Fast forward: That young woman was Geri Kirilova. Today, Geri is our third pillar and Laconia, our LPs, and the founders we support are all better off because of her. What started as a brief, forgettable moment at an Irish pub turned into one of the most serendipitous decisions we ever made.

Geri’s growth from intern to Partner has been nothing short of extraordinary. Her tenacity, judgment, and keen understanding of early-stage investing have played a critical role in shaping Laconia into what it is today. 

As for serendipity? Sometimes you just have to take the 6 train on a rainy night, climb the stairs, and say hello.

Jeffrey Silverman